The first I just sat on my lounge and doodled my name. Started using a pencil and found I kept rubbing it out as it wasn't "right" so I grabbed my black marker and without thinking just doodled. Then I used my water colour crayons and coloured in the doodles. Quite enjoyed doing this piece as I didn't think too much.

The second I decided to use straight lines and paint with acrylic paint between the lines. Didn't enjoy this one as I didn't like painting between the lines - found it too structured and rigid. It looks rather messy as I was rushing to finish.

The third was in acrylic. Tried not to think too much, just wanted the colours to flow.

Quite enjoyed this challenge as I didn't have to think too much, it was just to get us started.
Second Part of Challenge - Finger Painting
Part of our first week challenge was to explore finger painting - only use the fingers to push the paint around. Quite messy and fun to do and a good way to feel the paint, let loose and just enjoy without any thought to what are you creating - it doesn't matter. Not too certain what the blue blob means?
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