July 28, 2011

Paper Flowers Collage

This is my latest painting which is a mixture of acrylic paint, pastels, tissue paper and collage. I found the idea by Serena Wilson Stubson in my favourite magazine Cloth, Paper, Scissors and thought I would give it a go. I love the texture the crumbled tissue paper gives to the background . I rubbed some pastels over the painted surface and this gave the painting a bit more depth. Wasn't certain about it all to start with but just love the end result - so much so I may do another one, very soon!

July 25, 2011

Fabric Wall Hanging

Can't believe it's been so long since I last added something new. Li-Sa and I have not had any art challenges but I have kept myself busy doing lots of different things. Have just completed a fabric wall hanging. This one is just to get me started and learn from and see what I like or don't like. Started with the black and white pictures from my fabric stash and grew from there.